Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are you real?

It's been awhile since we had a sincere talk and I'm really missing you. I don't know why I'm still holding on even though I don't know if I own your heart. I'd been dumb and wrong and yes i had let you down but please can we bring yesterday back around?

The days when we would sleep late at dawn, talking about some silly stuffs, sharing our wildest dreams and even uplifting each other when we were in deep trouble. Calling up each other late at night, sharing every thoughts, laughing out loud at every corny jokes.

I had made some mistakes but I do hope you'll forgive me. I had given away one of the things I was keeping for you. I was so lost and you were never near me. I regretted what I have done but I do hope you'll understand and still take me as who I am.

Is it too much to ask for your affection? for your sweet, kind, tender words? Only God knows what I'm going through right now.

May be you are the angel sent to me by God to guide me and reminds me to be tough always. Our paths didn't cross for nothing. You'll always occupy a big spot in this throbbing part of my chest. Sa rang he my love!

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